Water Efficient Design
To Do More With Less
Environmentally Conscious Landscaping
In the California climate, it gets hot and stays warm for numerous months of the year. This requires traditional lawns to utilize an immense amount of water to stay lush and green. Due to the recent droughts and a mental shift into more environmentally conscious living, implementing a Waterless Turf landscape into your property can help reduce your water waste without sacrificing the quality of your lawn.

- Retrofit planters with low water usage sprinklers (60% less water flow)
- Drip irrigation design (80% less water usage)
- Smart timer irrigation controller (weather sensitive)
- Low water native and drought-resistant plants
Waterless Turf specializes in providing an affordable and long-lasting alternative to traditional lawns and care. While we don’t particularly focus our efforts on full landscaping projects, and generally focus more on the installation of artificial turf, our company has an extensive background in landscape and design.
When creating designs for our clients, we make sure to keep the four elements listed above in mind, in order to provide our customers with the most efficient and effective property. This helps reduce their water waste to promote a healthy environment, and it reduces the utility bills associated with traditional lawns to promote great monetary savings over time.
If you are in need of a landscape renovation or design, or if you are looking for any artificial turf for a variety of purposes, be sure to contact Waterless Turf to speak with an expert today!
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